Vaporwave - type of art you can find only on the internet

Vaporwave was created in 2011 by internet users community. In subsequent years, it gained popularity through websites such as Bandcamp, Soundcloud, and 4chan.  It is characterized by a nostalgic fascination with retro culture of the eighties, nineties and early 2000s, video games, technology and advertisements of those times.

In addition, it often refers to orientalism and ancient culture, overfilled with ancient sculptures and signs in graphics. Use of Japanese characters and other non-western writing systems is also prominent.

This trend often performs satire or criticizes such phenomena as consumerism, hedonism, mass culture, or the new age movement. Its a hyperbolization of the world in which Roman statues are trapped in the reality of consumerism.

 The style is defined by its appropriation of 1980s and 1990s mood music styles such as smooth jazz, elevator music, R&B, and lounge music.

The word Vaporware is a business term to describe a product which has announced to the public but never actually released and a marxist term to describe perpetual repetition of ideas which afre not concrete and meaningful for their philosophy.

Nostalgia and longing for the past have its mapping also in Poland represented by site ZUSWave : 


  1. I see that art flows through your veins, and this kind of it is really awesome! I definitely fell in love with this music and with these H I L A R I O U S pictures! Thanks for posting and writing about it!
    Greetings for your dad!

  2. Since K. Krawczyk is my idol, i've truly loved your post!!! Btw, i didn't know the origin of the word "vaporwave", nice info. Seems like you want to become a second "Lisie Piekło"! Can't wait to read your future posts! XOXO

  3. I've never heard about it, but it sounds interesting. I'm not a big fun of art but I think that this topic can appeal to some art buffs !


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